General FAQs about flying

Why should we worry about flying?

The aviation industry only contributes 2% of global emissions so it can’t be that bad, can it?

Isn’t it business flights that are responsible for most of the emissions?

What about green fuel and electric flights?

Isn't being vegan more effective than stopping flying?

Why do I have to change? Shouldn’t it be up to the government?

Does this mean I can't go on holiday?

I fly to escape the British weather. Can I still do that?

Why should I stop flying when rich people fly around in private jets?

But flying is so cheap!

What about carbon offsetting?

The plane will take off anyway so there’s no point in me not flying

What about global tourism and the jobs involved with aviation?

Specific FAQs about the campaign

Why are there different pledge options?

Can I choose anything for my custom pledge?

Can I change my pledge category?

Why only for a year?

Why UK only?

What if there's an emergency and I have to fly?

Why aren't you focussing on the more polluting countries?

Can my children make the pledge?

Can I set up the campaign in my own country?

I already don’t fly. Should I still sign up?

Can’t I just fly less?